Day two working on expanding the beds to make room for the new plants. Meanwhile, a few of the established plants decided to bloom for the first time this season. It was amazingly cool and cloudy [though a bit windy] for a good part of the day, the perfect weather for working in the garden.
Stella D'Or is a hardy daylily that can be easily found. I divided a large clump last year and all are doing well. Behind, the Russian Sage is sending up stalks and will probably bloom in two weeks or so.

This hollyhock was determined to survive. Some seeds blew into a crack between the patio and the circular side bed. I tried to dig it out twice but its roots had burrowed down so deep that I ended up cutting the stems off. After the third time I came up I decided to let to do it's thing. There are seven stems now, at least 5 feet tall. Sometimes you just have to let the plant have its way. The strange thing is that the plant that these seeded from were a double, while the offspring are only singles.
The first butterfly to visit came today and alighted on one of the Fairytale Veronicas. Poor thing was hanging on for dear life due to the strong winds [which also explains why this photo and the hollyhock one above is kind of shaky.
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