Friday, February 24, 2012

The Weekend Plummet

Like clockwork, the temperatures always seem to drop 10-15 degrees as soon as the weekends roll around. We reached 70 twice this week... then come Friday and the temperature drops to the low 50s. No wonder the plants are confused. This sad little Iris put up a stunted flower stalk this week. It shouldn't be blooming until April at the earliest. Hopefully the flower will open and blossom before another cold front freezes it on the stalk.Perhaps the combination of a little blessed rain and a few unusually warm days has encouraged early blooms on the plants. One Pincushion plant has had a 3-5 blossoms on it since December.
Last Saturday we had half a day of drizzly rain and was cloudy all day. So nice! The Sunday before that we had snow all day. So beautiful when you get to stay inside and enjoy it. Not fun when you have to slog to work the next day - though we got to go in late so that the roads cleared. The cats had a great time watching "Bird TV," especially after I sprinkled bird feed around near the windows. They weren't too bothered about the snow as every day is a snow day for the furr butts. I must confess that I too loved watching the birds playing in the snow and hunching down on the tree when the winds got too strong. I'm sure the garden appreciated the moisture as those 3 inches were the most we'd gotten so far.


  1. I hope you get some more rain. We too had really warm temps this week and then much colder this weekend. Just south of us got a deluge of rain ahead of the cold front.

  2. Thanks! Central and South Texas is slowly coming out of the drought thanks to all the moisture they've been getting these two months but West Texas is still in the severe drought range.

  3. Love the shot of your cat watching the birds! We have had quite a bit of rain here. I do wish the rest of Texas could get more before this summer's heat arrives. Sorry you had snow, but at least you know the ground got every melted drop.

  4. Now I know what the phrase "sitting in the cat bird seat" means... Great photo.....

  5. Hi, Holley. We'll take the snow, we'll take any moisture here. The cotton farmers are desperate for water before planting season. I, as a gardener, am just desperate for any color in the garden and need water for that. We're going on stricter water restrictions starting April 1st.



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